
KRISHNA Tarangam

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Truth is honest perception whose expression needs application of mind

Talking about truth is quite confusing. But, the way youngsters shared their views with Somya Tripathi for was amazingly eye-opening—as all of them inferred what Indian rishis had done ages ago. This shows how perceptive our youngsters are today. The parents must notice and appreciate this in children. 


But let’s get deeper


It is a fact that what is truth by one standard is a lie according to the other in the relative world. Hence what is the right definition of truth?

The Indian rishis had arrived at it ages ago. Let me make it simpler for you. There are two expressions for truth in the Bharatiya thought. One is ‘speak truth, speak sweetly, don’t hurt others with it’. The other one is, ‘the untruth which saves hundreds of lives is better than the truth which becomes the cause of the killings of hundreds.’

 What do these two expressions really mean? Truth is nothing but an honest perception which could be brutal if not used wisely. Isn’t it? That is why “ritam bruyat, priyam bruyat, apriyam satyam ma bruyat” ( speak truth, speak pleasing truth, don’t speak unpleasant truth ) is found in various forms throughout the Bharatiya thought, right from the Vedas to the Vedanta and the Puranas. There may be some changes in words, but the essence is the same. 


What is honest perception?


It is like seeing yourself in the mirror—as you are. The reflection of the mirror is called honest reflection. When your mind reflects things in such a way, it is called honest perception. But, if you manipulate the mirror and make it concave or convex, it will distort the reflection. Wouldn’t it? Say yes. This is called distorted reflection. Likewise, when you allow your ego and memory-led biases to make a dent in your mind’s mirror, the perception becomes distorted. Now you may be feeling your perception is true, but in reality it will just be a biased one. Isn’t it? Therefore, there comes up a condition for honest perception. That is when your perception is free from ego and memory led imposition, you perceive things honestly and then reflect them honestly. But, that reflection can hurt others. Therefore, the rishis put a condition—speak the truth pleasingly and not speak the one which hurts others. But, don’t be a stupid reflector and put others’ life in danger. That means an honest perception should be freed from biases but it should have the application of mind where to reflect it and where not to. If you tell the truth to the criminals that 100 innocent persons they are hunting for are hiding in such a room, you will be speaking the truth but it will put 100 lives in danger. Here a smart application of the mind is required to save 100 lives. That way a saving lie is better than the killer truth.


Satyam to Sundaram 


What doest it all show? It is that a truth is an honest perception which needs a mindful expression. An old Sanskrit saying explains it all in simple words—Satyam Shivam Sundaram. These words mean honest perception (satyam) can only be fully manifested (sundaram) when it is welfare oriented (shivam). Sund in Sanskrit means ‘to shine’ in public eye. The perception which commonly shines in your eye and others’ too is Sundaram. It all means that an honest perception means a well-fare-oriented expression which shines in every mind.


How to gauge truth?


Krishna is a scientist. He gives us a handy tool to know what truth is and how to use it. He says in the Seventeenth Discourse, अनुद्वेगकरं वाक्यंसत्यं प्रियहितं च यत । When your perception neither agitates you nor others what comes out in a sentence is truth. Since it has no disturbing intent  energy behind it in the cause (anudwegkaram), it triggers only a pleasing and welfare effect in others and hence is called priyahitam. Isn’t it a fact that most of the people see something in others and get upset by it inside positively or negatively and then express it with either positive or negative intent. But since the positive has come out of an upset mind in this case, it will cause a pleasing but an upsetting effect also. That is why people react to even a good response negatively . What Krishna proposes here is that a true perception can only be when the lake of your mind is ripple-less. A rippling lake can only reflect ripples and hence you can’t perceive truth. You will not have an honest perception and reflection then.  In Second Discourse,  Krishna says untrue has no permanence and truth has no impermanence.  That means the perception which keeps changing and is not permanent is untrue and the one which is not impermanent, which stays like a rock in the rippling waters, is true. Therefore, truth is nothing but your honest perception whose expression needs the application of mind. This also means a lie is your dishonest perception and its expression.

Vivek Sharma




Truth is being honest in ones words, actions and intentions. In life we encounter many situations which need to de-escalate. In order to do that we need to state facts which are only relevant to prevent those certain situations from getting out of proportions.  However a harmful truth should be abstained from expression to let order prevail. Truth always doesn’t deserve expression. Truth which hurts the sentiments of others does not need expression whereas truth which penetrates and dissolves an illusion must be spoken to resolve issues and seek enlightenment.

Inference: Truth is necessary to maintain balance in a situation. Truth which hurts others should be abstained from.

Meghna Beri








Truth according to me can be distinguished as –factual and ethical. Factual truth holds true universally regardless of people’s opinions on it. The other is the ethical truth of a situation which is subjective in nature. For example-- In case of a robbery, the act of theft is the factual truth that is universal, whereas the reasons behind the act correspond with the ethical truth of it. The thief’s motivation to steal is his ethical truth and the judiciary’s law to punish theft is their own ethical truth. I don’t think I’ll always choose to speak the truth in an unfavorable circumstance. Truth does always deserve an expression. Knowing the reality according to others opens our minds to new possibilities.

Inference: Truth always deserves an expression. Truth can be universal (which remains same in any situation) and ethical (subjective in nature).

Namrata Chaterjee



Truth is a state of being fair and sincere to oneself in all spheres of life at least as far as possible. Following my principles is my way of being truthful. Yes, if the truth is risky or fatal then I try to evade the issue instead of blatantly lying.  No, truth does not always deserve an expression.

Inference: Truth is being sincere to oneself in all spheres of life. Truth does not always deserve an expression, not if the situation may prove to be fatal..

Saransh Virendra





Truth is an expression of an idea embedded deep within the psyche of a person. I am not strong enough to bear the chain of lies one has to go through after speaking a lie. So, whatever is the situation I would like to face the challenge by speaking the truth. But, if a lie can do good for someone that should be considered as a white lie. In that case the lie can be treated as successive truth. No, truth should not always be restricted to an expression.

Inference: Truth is what is in ones psyche and should not be restricted to an expression. A lie spoken for a cause is as good as the truth.

Bidhan Mondol




Truth is a state where everything is actually what has happened.  It is a state where there is no place for distrust. Yes, as it is better to face the situation rather than lying since truth always wins (Satyameva Jayate). No, truth does not always need an expression.

Inference: Truth is the illustration of reality = It is better to face a situation an be truthful than to lie

Atharv Patil




Truth is basically the fact about something which is mostly logical and substantial. Truth seems to be subjective in nature and dependent on facts therefore the choice to whether express it, manipulate it or confine it depends on the person and his analysis of the consequences of speaking the truth. For example I would restrain from manipulating any facts and consider being truthful with my response here, knowing that people reading may develop a different outlook which might prove to be constructive for them. I think in most situations, truth deserves an expression as it is always beneficial to be truthful. Trust is the basis of any relation and truth being the foundation for trust strengthens the bond between two individual.

Inference: Truth is fact based on logic. Truth is the foundation whereupon trust is based in a relationship. In most situations truth deserves an expression.

Riya Tripathi






Truth is just the way a thing has happened. No manipulations, just naked reality. Yes, it depends on the impact of the truth and also depends on who would suffer the consequences.

Inference: Truth is naked reality without manipulations.  Truth should be spoken wisely after analyzing its impact on others.

Tanay Tripathi




My definition of truth is that it is the absolute fact about a thing, a person, or an event. My choice to speak the truth depends on whether it's going to hurt someone or not. If it is then I choose to remain silent about it. Truth doesn't always deserve an expression. For example, you know you exist. No one has to express it to you.

Inference: Truth is an absolute fact regarding an event. Truth does not always need an expression especially when it hurts others.

Shivangi Madan








Truth is the state or quality of being faithful. I may not speak the truth in an unfavorable situation because many a times truth can spoil someone’s life, It can hurt someone badly. Yes, truth always deserves an expression to simplify the understanding.

 Inference: Truth is being faithful. If truth spoils a person’s life it should not be expressed. Truth always deserves an expression for simplifying things.

Priyanshi Shukla





Truth is the essence of our experiences. Being truthful can be both good and bad. If in a situation, your lie help someone then you should leave truth aside. I don’t think that truth always needs an expression.

Inference: Truth is essence of our experiences. A lie is better than the truth if spoken to help someone.

Sarvagya Asthana





Truth is a state of honesty between two persons. Truth gives you the freedom to express honestly what one feels. If there is need to speak the truth to someone, I might manipulate the expression to convey the message most of the time. But in some cases, I would rather confine it to myself. Yes, definitely truth deserves an expression.

Inference: Truth is a state of honesty. Truth deserves expression. Expression can be manipulated to convey the message.

Mahek Haider






 “When you define your truth, you help to define universal truth.”—Natasha Dern, Huffpost

Many teachers throughout time have stated that truth is infinite. However, I find infinity too broad and vague of a concept to incorporate in everyday life. I am interested in the application of universal truths and principles in my day to day affairs. To anchor truth — personal truth — requires clarity. What is your truth? When you define your truth, you help to define universal truth. What do you stand for? What do you value? What are your boundaries? What are you aspiring to become? These questions enable you to define and clarify the standards by which you will measure yourself. Without truth, you will have no way of knowing whether you are growing or evolving, contributing or taking from life. Your truth will become a barometer of how well you are doing in life. If you have not yet affirmed your truth then you will create your life by default. To live by a code or standard is a form of truth in action in the world. When you establish that you will respect yourself and others that is a form of truth. Yes, I hope so, it may pain in some situations by telling truth but lying is much more pain than anything. In my childhood I used to listen to this story.

Once upon a time, there lived a shepherd boy who was bored watching his flock of sheep on the hill. To amuse himself, he shouted, “Wolf! Wolf! The sheep are being chased by the wolf!” The villagers came running to help the boy and save the sheep. They found nothing and the boy just laughed looking at their angry faces. “Don’t cry ‘wolf’ when there’s no wolf boy!” they said angrily and left. The boy just laughed at them. Giving no heed to what villagers said he continued doing it for several times befooling the villagers. At last when the real wolf appeared and he cried for help no one turned up. When the boy did not returned with his flock of sheep, the villagers went to search for him just to find him weeping on the hill on seeing the villagers he inquired why didn’t they come to help him? An old villager approached him and said, “People won’t believe liars even when they tell the truth we’ll look for your sheep tomorrow morning. Let’s go home now”.

In my opinion, any verbal or textual expression of a perceived truth is limited because it cannot encompass all related truths, knowledge and understanding of which may be necessary to prevent the statement from being incomplete. Thus, although words can be true, there is at least some element of unexpressed truth beyond words.

Inference: Truth is a standard to assess your growth. In this relative world there is always a chance for more refined and better truth.

Shivam Shukla


Compiled by Somya Tripathi

Truth is often understood as being in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an original or standard. Truth may also often be used in modern contexts to refer to an idea of "Be true to self," or authenticity. This is my definition of truth.

Speaking truth is always the solution to an unfavorable situation/s and therefore one should speak the truth. However there are situations at times where truth should not be fully expressed, example in a critical medical situation, if the family is informed of the medical condition with its honest gravity, it may affect the emotional health of the family.

In The Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna shows His form of truth(Universal form) to Arjuna and guides him throughout to winning the great war of Mahabharat. The entire discourse of The Bhagwad Gita is revelation of truth from Lord Krishna to Arjuna so that Arjuna can fight and win the war. Seeking guidance from The Bhagwad Gita is akin to observing guidance from universal truth.


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