
KRISHNA Tarangam

A Political and Sciences Website

First have a relationship with Intelligent Energy, your very own

It is the most relevant issue Sonakshi Agarwal has chosen for discussion this week for Associations are a  personal and social challenge as long as you are not clear about  the basics of relationships.
All the views expressed by the youngsters only indicate their thirst for knowledge and the right way. Let’s get deeper into what a relationship is.
Roots of relationship
I call you X and you call me Y. We are strangers till we come in the sensory range. The moment X and Y meet, there is a sensory bond established between the two. It may be a negative bond of hate, jealousy or anger or a positive bond of love, care and warmth. But, in both the cases you are in a relationship! That is the truth. But, the moment we have love ( as we name it generally) and warmth, we associate more and more and more and then establish a sensory bond. This is here the distortions in relationships come. There is no way I am suggesting that this relationship is bad. But, only one bond is not a real bond. As long as you are associating with a person through sensory system, you are making use of your memory and ego and there will be distortion in relationship sooner or later. Introspect and try to know what kind of relationship you have with the other person. Everybody will say in one particular case that they have love relationship. Ok. Then you have a complete association or relationship and you shouldn’t have any disbalance thereafter. But, is it a fact? You know it better. Unless we graduate our association from the sensory pull of opposites (rag and dwesh), we cannot have a real relationship. You all will be surprised to know that you establish relationship bonds at different levels of your being. 
The most common one I have just detailed above— it is sensory. This bond pulls your mind down to the sensory level and  then the intellect. But, we have very limited space for intellectual, mental relationships. Let’s understand how many levels of associations we have.
Levels of relationships
The highest relationship is through the intellect. Intellect, as we all know, according to Krishna, is the highest and closest centre of your being. It is the closest to the core of Intelligent Energy. That is why Krishna emphasises in Discourse 2, Buddhao sharanam anvichcha—seek shelter in the intellect (while working among many people).  But, you can’t have a perfect Intellectual association with the outside world until you are plugged into the source of it—intelligent energy.   The moment you are connected with IE, your intellectual associations turn into energy bonds at Intellectual, mental, sensory and physical levels. Isn’t it amazing? You are interacting with the world yet you remain unblemished because you are associating through energy body, which is the most natural and original form of relationship. In fact, that is love relationship, because it begins with the love bond with IE and then your intellect, mind, senses and body become the channels of Intelligent Energy. 
What it means?
Don’t enter the world of associations unless you have dug roots into Intelligent Energy. First, relate with Intelligent Energy and then all your relations will be converted into energy bonds. They won’t tie you down then. All such relationships will uplift you then. Because, the only course of energy is universal expansion in all the directions. This is so simply explained by Bhagwan Ramkrishna Paramhamsa, “Enter the world of associations when you have known God. Apply oil to your hands before you cut the katahal. It won’t stick then. Otherwise, it will stick then and make your life hell for sometime!” 
What we gather here is that you can have good worldly relationships only when you have had a relationship with the One sitting in your heart. Once it is done, He will take over, energy will flow through your relationship bonds. This state is called the state of being ‘jitsangdosh’—the one who has risen victoriously above the sullying glue of the negatives of associations. 

Vivek Sharma






The core interest of inter human relations is to find happiness especially with people we get along with pretty well. In our social sphere we confide our happiness in friends who are honest, loyal and with no expectations. A better understanding of one's behavior, attitude and mood (which is affected largely by-- different situations and hardships) is the key feature for sustaining these relations and bringing things back to normal from a tensed state . The reasons because of which we face negativity in a relation are following-- too many expectations, feeling of jealousy, selfishness, loss of faith and trust due to suspicion and miscommunication. Therefore to have fulfilling relations one need to celebrate small moments of happiness, appreciate each other’s presence and success in life, dealing with turmoil with determination, respecting each other and their opinions. In my opinion, nobody can run away from their problems as they shall always remain. What we need today is support and guidance in our lives and the one who can provide it with genuine intentions. I believe deep connection is important for a fulfilling inter human relation.


Inference: A fulfilling relation is one which is based on deep connection and a strong support system for each other.

 Rahul Sinha




Interpersonal relations in humans started way before anyone of us can even imagine; in the stone age we could lose our lives easily, we felt the need of acquiring more resources as we realized that survival is very difficult yet necessary. Forming associations and having relations was the only way we could use resources others had and had to share the resources in order to survive. So that's basically encoded in our genes.  The modern day scenario is not entirely different than this, but the types of resources have changed over the centuries very significantly. We depend on the friends we have for our emotional stability, on our parents for keeping us alive till we attain self-sustainability, on our partner for almost everything life serves us. We go to institutions and make links and contacts with different people, in a way to enhance our personality and in some other way gaining their help for our future conquests. And these relations help us attain equilibrium in life. We never look in the mirror and talk to ourselves as our own critic. That's where most people fail, questioning their own way of thinking. It is rather necessary to stick to the way you think and taking stands but more necessary to be open to the possibilities of making amendments in the way you think. We as humans never question ourselves-- Why am I feeling the way I am feeling? Is it really how i should feel? The things that I feel are problematic, is it entirely in my brain? Would everything return back to normal if I choose to control my mind and hence the way I feel?

Starting to question yourself at times is not a sign of self-doubt, but rather a sign of self-correction and becoming a better and evolved person as time passes by. We think too much and feel too little, often making the mistake of making ourselves the center of the world. There may be a lot of reasons why one feels bad regarding a person, why one would feel upset, hurt or pained by the actions of a specific person, but most of the time, it is because we tend to overthink the situations we are into. Yes, life is complex and even more complex are human emotions, but whenever we are 'feeling' any one of it, we often forget that the way you feel changes, and more often than not, it is quite easy to manage the way you feel about a thing or a person. And by manage, I do not mean 'suppress'. Whenever we manage our tables, we don't stack things and try to compress/bury them. We put things in their respective right places.  In relations, we often see disagreements as a challenge to our own self and feel an important impulse to change the way they think, whereas what we should be doing is to acknowledge their views and think about why they feel the way they feel, it may as well give us an entirely new perspective.

Inference: Right understanding is the backbone of a good inter human relation.

Manas Vardhan




“Inter human relations” term relates more to bonds that you form with other people and this bond can have many extensions. Some relations are assigned to you at birth while the rest you make by yourself throughout your journey. You are more likely to connect with people who radiate an aura that you want to become. It’s like they are filling in the gaps exactly as yin complements yang.


Although negatives have to be there to balance it all along(again quoting the yin-yang theory). It’s not negatives to be honest, every person has a different way of approach to different kinds of things which mostly depends on their upbringing and demography (where they grew) which affects our style of doing the things.  The biggest mistake we make is by assuming that other people think the way we think. That is mostly where miscommunication/ misunderstanding kicks in, and due to not being on the same page the relationship starts trembling.

I think what actually helps is to have that strong bridge of trust, belief and free flow of communication, all the short comings are just water under the bridge.


Inference: Good inter human relations are formed by strong trust, communication.

Mayank Singh





I believe that one of the reasons for negativity in any inter-human relations is: unrealistic expectations; when a person let the other person down by not keeping up to the expectations, one feels negative emotions. The other reason that can affect relationships is one’s own negative emotions like jealousy, envy, insecurity which are hard to even accept at first place, it also makes you perceive things which many a times are not even true.

To have fulfilling relationships, it’s better to understand your expectations and analyze weather you are bringing equally to the table and are ready to give equally. It’s also possible that the other person is being unreasonable. In that case it’s important to deal by communicating openly without involving in the emotions and choosing weather to continue a relation or not. Other than this it’s important to be self-analytical specially when feeling negative emotions.


Inference: A better understanding and analysis of one’s feelings, expectations is a way to good inter human relations.


Akshita Pradeep





Inter human relations are for the fulfillment of needs

 Which are either informal- belongingness, care, love

or formal - satisfaction of achieving a goal. I believe we face negativity in relationships due to two factors

- conflict between two people’s opinions

-one’s disapproval of the other’s opinions

Now mere conflict can be solved, you can accept different opinions and be alright but when you disregard or belittle someone’s experience, feelings and opinions it leads to negativity.

Acceptance, communication of your wants, needs and problems (specially) and care as an expression of love are important for fulfilling relationships.


Inference: Acceptance, communication of your wants, needs and problems (specially) and care as an expression of love are important for fulfilling relationships.


Tanushri Tandon







Inter human relations are relations between two human beings.  These can be of various types: blood related, work related, romantic, friend.

The only negativity I face in relations that force me to become a version of me that is harmful for me. Expect less, accept more.

For fulfilling relations do selflessly, do not expect back what you give. Because that will make it a business transaction.


Inference: For fulfilling relations do selflessly, do not expect back what you give because that will make it a business transaction.


Aditya Shukla



We need to establish  that people are different so you only have fulfilling human relations with people who you connect with, then there is this gap between people called status like a rich guy wouldn't prefer talking to someone poor, or similarly a young guy not talking to an older person. To have fulfilling relations one of the things is that we must talk out of happiness and spread happiness, and words should not be manipulated into deceiving people into believing something that might not reflect the real you.

Also everyone is going through something, a little caring doesn't hurt! Care more share more.


Inference: Talk happiness and spread happiness should be our motto for fulfilling relations.


Harshit Lakshman




Inter human relations is about having a connection and making a bond with them. I believe in any inter-human relations we need to accept more and also forgive a lot especially in long term relationships. We need to understand that a healthy relationship happens when two happy people come together because if one has a negative approach they will get attached and will have expectations.

Inference: Acceptance and forgiveness is the key to a successful inter human relations.


Priyanshi Nandrajog








Compiled by Sonakshi Agarwal

Although we as humans look separate entities but we all are one and connected if we could feel that, and that realization can change the way we see the other human fellow.  The respect and love flows in that case without even a single expectation. But when it’s about bringing a person close to your inner circles it gets important that you choose some of them specially in romantic relationships or friendships, that doesn’t necessarily have to mean that you love them “more”  and others less but you devote yourself , your time and energy more on them and with them. One of the most important things I have learned is that you communicate your needs to the person, ask them as well, and have open and truthful communication, that will make the relationship fulfilling and no negativity will cultivate. Or even if it does we can always work and put efforts together to make the bond even stronger. Negativity can come in relationships and its fine as long as you are ready to sort it out with an opens heart it will only turn the relationship into something more beautiful. Many fights will never occur if simply understand the fact that the other person’s intentions are not to hurt us.



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