
KRISHNA Tarangam

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Distance of your mind from its Centre is Time!


Everybody Shivangi Sharma talked to on time and its derivatives for has fetched wonderful replies from youngsters. Time is unreal has been a common inference. But, a few like Gunjan Patel, Bhavini Dubey, Umesh Gaur and Snigdha Mishra were closer to the definition, according to me. Kindly include those too who have given similar replies and have not been mentioned here to avoid cluttering!

What is time?

Observe the unique characteristic of the mind. When it is fully absorbed in something, the time doesn’t exist for it though it does exist for others. If you are enjoying a party with your friends, you find the music and the environment pretty good— drumming great and the guitar my-my—and you feel dancing on and on forever. The only shock is when your mobile rings flashing ‘Papa calling’ ….This suddenly brings you down to the time dimension and you begin to worry!

What did really happen here? The time came as a crude blow to you which knocked you off your absorption. You suddenly begin to feel drawn away from inside— the intensity may differ from case to case. But, the lurking sense of getting back home teases you. What do we gather here. Time is the relative dimension of the mind or chitta, as they say in Sanskrit. When your mind is absorbed in a task, time goes away. The higher the absorption of the mind, the less the time. The absolute the absorption and the absolutely negated will be time.

The state of absolute absorption of the mind with the object is called samadhi in Sanskrit. The separation of the mind with the object is called upadhi . Upadhi is the relative existence, individual existence. Everything in the creation is nothing but upadhis. Sun, earth, you, I and dog are all upadhis—all represent the separation, gradation and distance from the common source—Intelligent Energy (IE). 


What is the source?


It is all simple. If you are at home and want to go to Hazratganj then your home becomes the source and Ganj your upadhi to be reached. At Ganj you are upadhi itself. The distance between Ganj and your home brings in the interplay of time. Isn’t it? This distance is nothing but your separation from your source when you are at Ganj and vis a vis. Come back home and you will forget time and go into a relaxing mode. What is this relaxing mode? It is a crude form of absorption with the source. Just an example to let you know the principle. Therefore, time exists only when there is separation or distance between two relative points—One to be reached and the other to be left. Isn’t it simple? This differential is called time. So basically, the absorption and separation is taking place in the mind, the chittah. The chittah  is nothing but your awareness of the distance through the filters of memory etc, you (ego) of course being at the centre. Now your awareness keeps many things to be achieved. Therefore, it has different distances with each and hence has different times to achieve them. Now imagine the complex network of time we have created within and without. And lo and behold! Man has even created a standard to gauge time called clock. But, this is just a calculation based measurement which, I bet, only reflects the earth points and their distances. We have yet to measure the time when galactic time will come into play. But, that is not the topic. The simple principle is that the time is the relative dimension of the mind—nothing else. You can also have mars time, Pluto time blackhole time. But, it all vanishes the moment you are one with the source. 

What is this source? It is called Intelligent Energy, God, Kal, Mahakal, etc. But, basically Intelligent Energy is the source and all else is arranged around it, by it in spheres of distances—look at the solar system. It is only imitating the principle.  The distance from the centre to the spheres brings in the time dimension. 

But, the Indian rishis had reached the state wherein the distance was nullified and hence the time and what remained was speed. The speed, which they referred to as paramgati. The rishis called paramgati, the moment when the distance and time factors are zero or sam. Sam in Sanskrit means zero or nullified, balanced out. That is Paramgati and Samadhi are one and the same things. They only represent the speed without time and distance dynamics. If there is distance, there is time. But when there is no distance, there is no time and the speed is absolute, param


Sun speed vs IE speed



People say if you travel at the speed of the sunlight, the mass converts into energy. Wrong! The mass converts into solar energy. Mark my words. This is not paramgati. Here time isn’t zero. It has solar energy travel time. Because the sun rays are spreading from its source—the core of the sun. And separation brings in the time and space dynamics. Yes, Akash or space is nothing but the matrix created by the expanding sphere of the universe by Intelligent Energy around Itself/Herself/Himself. Remember it is the first element of creation, in the Indian scientific systems. That means space is a separation and is speedier than light and hence becomes the medium of all forms of relative energies—the air, the fire (the light), the water and the earth. These elements are distances from the centre. They are one and the same thing but due to their speed and distance variations, they have different forms. Let’s not digress. 

Intelligent Energy is the centre of all centres. It is the supreme speed where time is not. But, this energy is constant and hence is present at the centre of everything and hence it is always above the time dynamics and inclusive of it too. Imagine a wheel. As you move from the periphery to the centre, the calculations of time decrease in the same order. Time will be zero at the centre. Now consider the centre to be Intelligent Energy. Now all the forces that are attracting peripheral particles to the centre is called the process of laya, absorption and samadhi—drawing towards the centre. The force from the centre to the periphery creates valayas (spheres expanding from the centre). This has the distance and hence time dynamics.  


Let’s conclude


Now apply the above principle to the chittah. When the circle of the mind is absorbed in its centre, the time is not. At the centre is Intelligent Energy. But, when it expands towards outside objects, distance and time come into existence with their instrumentalities. All the senses and their sensory systems are in the time dynamics. Here the mind is expanding from the centre outside towards Upadhis . When it withdraws itself to the centre it enters the centre and then gains paramgati. Now this mind becomes the centre itself and acquires the traits of Intelligent Energy because it is Intelligent Energy and none else then. Think!


Krishna says in the eleventh discourse that He is Time in progression which will conclude every upadhis by taking them to their logical end till they get absorbed in the Intelligent Energy 

(कालोस्मि लोकक्षयकृत प्रवृद्धो लोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्त:।). But, He mentions that He is creating at the same time. Creation is distancing from Himself as valayas


How does it apply?


Therefore, Laya, absorption of the mind in the source deletes the interplay of time. The principle applies to the relative  relatively and the absolute absolutely. That means if you want no interplay of time at all, you will have to be one with the absolute source, like Arjuna did. This principle brings into play all spiritual sciences and answers why they are the evolutionary need of us all.  Once you have done it, the relative time dimension will then be unreal for you. Till then, time is real for those who are in the relative dimensions (all of us) and unreal for Krishna alone. He can change everything, like we change our bookshelves. But, He does it without time interplay. It is like He thought it and it happened without zero time—-That is the reason God is called kalpataru also. But, in our case. It will be ‘we thought and it would happen in time.’ Because, He is one with the source and we are not! 

Absorption is the key to all this. Do whatever you wish to but become one with the source and hop out of this time-bound life. 


Vivek Sharma
Editor -In -Chief


Time is a unit that is used to empirically sequentialise our sense experiences. Thus it doesn't exist independently. For example - two women are placed in a room one is asleep and the other awake. Here while for the one who is awake is having sense experience so she happens to be bound by time. On the contrary the one who is asleep has no sense of time as she has no external experience to sequntialise. Thus time seems to have a relativistic and dependent existence. Is time real or unreal? 'Real' is a contentious word. But if we go by the definition that --real is that which has independent existence and is non relativistic, time fails to qualify as real. Is there a greater principle than time? This question is redundant as time itself is not a principle rather as sense experience, dependent and relativistic.

Inference:  Time cannot be defined as real or unreal  since real is itself an ambiguous term. The last question becomes redundant since time is not a principle since it is dependent.

Aman Srivastava



Time is a concept created by human minds after analysing the movement of the earth but for philosophers it has a different dimension. In my opinion it is unreal as it is nothing more than a human brain calculation. Yes, I believe there is a principle greater then time.

Inference: Time is an inception of human mind. It has no real existence. There should be a principle greater then time.

Chandni Poddar










Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events and to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience. Basically according to me time has no definite definition it is defined according to circumstances, situation in which we are .Yes, according to my thinking time is real. It’s in our own hands to utilize it completely. No there is no other principle greater than time because time is such a powerful weapon of the universe. In fact which one cannot ignore and can't deny. It has so much power that it can ruin a man in a second or can make him a king in another second. The one who doesn’t respect or obey it are always at loss.

Inference: Time is real but has no definite definition it is defined in accordance with our circumstances. It is a powerful tool of the universe which can make or break a man. 

Kushagra Dubey










Time is a principle instrument which is helpful in defining a grand picture; let's call it reality, which we tend to perceive in sections since it is difficult for a limited mind to capture the whole as whole. Time is real for us-- people with limited perception, time will become unreal or let's say of no use for us once we will be able to perceive or conceive the whole picture. Yes, the principle which can give us a whole picture by surpassing the limited sphere of time can be considered a greater principle than time.

Inference: Time is a real principle or an instrument which is useful in defining a grand picture. The principle which can provide us with the capacity to go beyond time can be greater.

Neha Singh








Time is real as we can't stop it for a second. The current date will never be back. We value time the most. Nothing in this world is more precious than time. There is no other principle in this world which is greater than time .plus picture. Our daily events are defined in accordance with the time.

Inference: Time cannot be stopped thus it is the greatest principle in this world.










We do not perceive time, of course. But what we do perceive, indirectly, is change we see one situation, form a memory of it (or retain it in our short-term memory of what's happening), and then perceive another situation which differs from it. The notion of time is prompted by the notion of change. Those changes may be days, phases of the moon, seasons, planetary motions — which together suggest a steady rate at which things change. If everything were to stop moving, time would have no significance. Time is only significant to us in as much as it is a framework for describing change. Time is a broader concept rather than an object or substance we can touch or see. Neither is it merely a dimension, quantity or a concept that could be understood easily. Indeed, time has many aspects and appears to represent different things to different people in different circumstances. Of all the principles that can boost one’s inner work life, the most important is an effective utilisation of time. Therefore I believe time is the greatest principle of all.

Inference: Time is useful till it is a framework to describing change. Time as a principle is most important only if utilized well.

Geetanjali Singh




Time or waqt or kaal or samay are synonymous terms. Time is a period or a duration in which human life undergoes through a lot of changes. There is a constant evolution of different personalities in a person. Time is real or unreal, depends upon the mindset. Our actions speak well than what we perceive in mind.
Responsibilities in life make us think that whether we are able to fulfill our duties or targets and if we are incapable to fulfill our desires or responsibilities then we start believing that our time was not good.
Time being a greater principle also depends on the action we took in different situations. It is a cyclical process.

Inference: Time is a cyclical process whether it is real or unreal depends upon the mindset of an individual. Time depends on actions we take in different situations.

Fiza Ibrahim







Time is what we are trying to catch every day while running to office school or home. But it slips through our hands. Though we put it on our wrist, but can't control it. Time has different phases, sometimes it feels real and sometimes it feels unreal. May be it is dependent on our situation. That's why I think we can't describe it as real or unreal. No principle can work against Time. It is uncontrollable. If we can't match it, it won't wait for us. Nothing can be greater than Time.

Inference: Time is the greatest principle since nothing can control it and no principle can work against it.

Surabhi Jindal









A single infinite continuity is the only reality of the universe. This continuous unity is called God. There are no parts in it as we perceive. What we see as duality and differentiation is in fact Maya (illusion). Time is an imaginary, unreal entity. It is felt as the gap between two events and forms, within the Maya only. Things like past, present and future are outcomes of Time. As long as there is Maya i.e. we perceive differentiation around we feel Time. As such, like any differentiation, Time is also a perceived differentiation. The moment we are out of Maya i.e. when all differentiations have merged in single infinity called God, Time disappears. When one sees all forms and events as nothing but God (unity), we see even time as God. God is the only reality.

Inference: Time is an imaginary, unreal entity and is felt as a gap between two events or forms, within Maya only. God is the single infinite continuity and hence the greatest.

Umesh Gaud



Time is a specific period or the phases in which we live most of our moments that is-- Past, present and future. Though  I  believe it is  something  abstract but  it is something very important for each and every individual. Time is real because most of us realize it's importance most of the time and are usually bound to follow it. Yes, I  believe the principle of  morality is more important.

Inference: Specific phases of life can be termed as time. It is something abstract but is important for all.

Tiasha Sen









Time is the resolving principle of the IE. Yes, time is real for all the spatial beings in the relative dimension. Time and space make one continuum; for all us spatial beings, time is the only principle factor that shall make us reach our spatial goal. Yes, time is real for all the spatial beings in the relative dimension. . Yes, there is the principle of brilliant existence (सत्ता)  that is पर to time. Time exists because existence is. The “existence principle”, or the “is-principle”, the सत्ता is the principle higher to time.

Inference: Time is the resolving principle of IE. It is a reality for all beings in relative dimension. The existence principle is higher to time.

Bhavini Dubey





Time is the continuous flow of energy and events. It goes at a particular pace, no one can speed it, nor can anyone stop it or slow it down. Change is the law of nature, so does time change.

Everything is real, what you perceive. Mother Nature has planned it so systematic and organized. The happening of events, for example, changes of seasons, the whole day cycle of morning, noon and night.

Yes, the Intelligent Energy is the greatest principle, nothing can happen without IE. Even a small dust particle can't move, without intelligent energy's play. IE is beyond real and unreal.

Inference: Intelligent energy is the greatest principle. Time is the continuous flow of energy and events.

Snigdha Mishra







Time is a conceptual reality where events take place. All our experiences occur in time, whether it is past, present or future. 
Reality of time cannot be denied as it is pre-condition for our understanding. Without time no events can be experienced, not even in our imagination. I think we need to presuppose a principal greater than time, it can be a form of energy which directs it and keep it constant. Without this energy nothing can exist.

Inference: Time is a conceptual reality where events take place. No experience is possible without time thus it is a reality

Mansi Vaish




Time is defined as the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. 
The reality and the unreality of time is perceived through subjectivity. In our daily life time is the major component which regulates the events in our lives in order to ensure an organized livelihood.
Time can also be perceived in a metaphorical point of view as it is often equated with luck and destiny. When an individual receives success in his ordeals it is believed that he is going through a good time in life and if he is unsuccessful he is said to be having an ill time. It’s the subjectivity of time which makes it real or unreal.
There is no principle greater than time as time is the component which regulates a smooth functioning of events happening during one’s life.

Inference: Time depends on people so does its reality and unreality. We tend to divide time as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ based on our experience.

Meghna Beri




In of his lectures, Albert Einstein once said, "Time is but a stubborn illusion. What is time? A deceptively simple question yet it is the key to understanding relativity."Aristotle once said, "Time is the most unknown of all unknown things."It was said almost 2500 years ago and it stands the same till today. If you Google, what is time? You'll find time is a dimension and in many ways it is. When you text a friend and ask them to meet at coffee, you wouldn't give them a place without a time. However, there is a flaw in the definition of time. It leaves too many doors unopened because time is also a measurement. For example: I was born in 1990's. If I were to say I was born 18 billion kilometers in the past, that wouldn't make sense and people would probably look at me like I am crazy.

With spatial dimensions, the 3D world that we live in, it's very easy to go back and forth between places because these things are essentially fixed in space. If I went to the store to buy groceries and forgot milk, I can easily go back and buy some milk. However, the time that it took to do that is unable to be retrieved. It is lost forever into the past. An object placed in the 3D space will stay there almost indefinitely. If I just place a bottle on the table, it will just stay there but that bottle still is under the play of the time.

See time is like an arrow, it moves in one direction, "Forward". Scientists fittingly called this, "The arrow of time." If you one day woke up and found yourself floating in the middle of empty space, would you be able to tell which way is up, down, left or right? No. However time is a much simpler ordeal. See time comes from the past, originating at the Big bang, where our history lies and is fixed through the present, where we are essentially the prisoners of towards the unknown and turbulent future. We can remember from the past like how I can tell you that this morning I went to the store, bought the groceries and then forgot to buy milk but at the same time I can't tell you what I ate for the breakfast next Thursday. The arrow of time originated at the Big bang and has been moving forward ever since.

Inference: Time is like an arrow, it moves in one direction that is forward. Everything in relative world is governed by time.




Time is something you cannot buy but has been given to you for utilization and which depends upon the person for how and when he utilizes it. Time is real for those, who live a bounded life with rules, bounded with necessities and time is unreal for those who live a life with no fear.

There can be a principal greater than time - fear of time. Many people use it as their strength due to which they don’t think of time. For example you are doing a work. And when you have a confidence of mastery in it you know what time what effort you have to put in it. So instead of focusing on time we should focus on improving ourselves.

Inference: Time is not like other commodities which we can buy. Fear of time can be a greater principle than time, but our focus should be on improving ourselves.


Kartik Gupta 




Time is a unit of measurement. It measures the evolutionary growth of everything living or non-living. The ultimate purpose of every single particle of this universe is to merge back to its source that is intelligent energy. And time is that unit which measures our distance from the IE. Just as our scientists say, that the universe which is born out of a black hole will return back to the black hole again. That black hole (Mahakali) is the IE. And each and everyone's evolution is measured in time. Months, years light years and so on. Time is a relative unit. As long as our consciences are draped in the cloak of ego and memory, time plays a role. The moment we rise to merge with IE time ceases to impact. So, time being real or unreal depends on our closeness with the supreme source of energy. For e.g. In our scriptures also we read that few days in the  "devlok" equal many "yugs" on earth.That was due to the apparent distance of earth creatures from IE as compared to the devas...But the sages who meditated on IE survived for thousands of years because they could go beyond time due to their closeness with IE.

Yes. Intelligent Energy is the greatest principle.They say, जो  काल से परे हैं वह महाकाली हैं। that is to say The intelligent energy, from whom everything is born, is also the mother of time and for those who are in synchronism with IE, for them the frequencies of time cease to exist. Lets rise to our source.

Inference: time is that unit which measures our distance from IE. Intelligent Energy is the greatest principle.

Gunjan Patel




Time doesn't actually exist but we are trapped inside of it.’ Scientifically Time is - A continuum that lacks spatial dimensions. Philosophically Time is - A Linear continuum of Instants. Practically Time is - what prevents everything from happening at once. Time is an indefinite continued progress of existence and events of past, present and future regarded as a whole. 

Time is the biggest teacher with powers of making and breaking and healing you. The best thing about Time is that it rejuvenates.  And we cannot hold it back! So it gives us sweet & bitter memories and lessons. 

Everything is real on which ‘we’ humans believe hence, time is real and an important principle because it teach us to appreciate the rules & regulations based on our life time period. People who follow them with proper utilization of Time are masters of living life and others who don’t value time are just getting wasted. So it’s like a limited asset which has to be used wisely and patiently.


Inference: Time is the limited asset which has to be used wisely and with patience. Time doesn’t really exist but we are trapped inside it.






Compiled by Shivangi Sharma

Time should be considered a principle since our mind and body seems to be working on it. Time as such has no divisions—past, present or future but to ease our experience we divide it into such divisions. Though we still carry our past in our present and have an insight into our future in present. Therefore it is through time we measure things. Our mind perceives structures and to have a structure it  should be measured in terms of a beginning and an end. A structure is nothing but a form which has a beginning and an end and time is that which makes it possible it gives continuity a structure and a form to be grasped by our mind and experienced by our body. Just like heart beat regulates our body-mind system and provides a rhythm and a form to it but the heart is never governed by its beat-- it is just beating within a rhythmic continuity. Similarly  time is a rhythmic continuity with no subdivisions a circle out of which comes the forms and to which the form and structure dissolve. Can you imagine time in terms of the Absolute? Obviously, not. Because, what is immeasurable, cannot have a scale of measurement. Therefore, the time (the scale) has no play in the Absolute. Indian rishi’s had arrived at this principle and kept the Absolute as the goal to reach. Those who reached went beyond time. Therefore, time does not exist beyond a point.  Bhagwad Gita is an inspirational vibration to which all should tune and beejankuri works as the instrument through which you can get tuned to Bhagwad Gita





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