
KRISHNA Tarangam

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Why do we face depression? Why cannot we think in positive direction?

 Sanghpriya Singh Vishwas--Student, passed 12th, preparing for CLAT

Sanghpriya, depression is a natural state of mind. It only signals that you are fit to receive a new set of information, add to experience and develop further mentally and physically.But, due to a lack of training to handle the state the right way, we make it a medical condition. Remember! Arjuna was depressed and said he won't fight for justice basing his logic on what he heard from the wise -- not to disrespect the elders etc. But, his state made him a fit recipient of an evolutionary message from Krishna in the form of the Gita--a person is right or wrong by his stand and not age.

 Believe you me! Whenever you need to improve, upgrade and up skill yourself, your mind will signal depression. People, instead of taking it as the right time to evolve, are freaked out by its impact and they go down with it. Remember! It is the depressed earth wherein the rain waters collect the most. As per my assessment, your brain forms new nerve cells and rearranges them as a new communication channel representing a new capacity during such a state. Neuro-hormonal changes are mistaken as depression. The state is readily associated with weakness of the body and the mind. Your mind is confused, your body shakes and you see everything negative around you. Finally, you conclude you can’t do anything.This is how Arjuna reacts in the chapter 1 shlokas 29,30 and 31 of the Gita,सीदन्ति मम् गात्राणि मुखं च परिशुष्यति।वेपथुश्च शरीरे मे रोमहर्षश्च जायते।।...न च शक्नोम्यवस्थातुम् भ्रमतीव च मे मन:।निमित्तानि च पश्यामि विपरीतानि केशव:...He says, " My body parts are numbing, my mouth is drying up, my body is shaking and I am having goosebumps ...I am unable to stand, my mind is confused, I see negative signs everywhere...."But, he was lucky to have Krishna on his side. Therefore, he gets rightly advised at the right time and evolves into a new Arjuna, who says “I will do”. However, where to find Krishna now a days? This is a problem.  Simple, you may not have Krishna visible around you, but you have his song around you. Read the Gita and you will evolve the right way.Therefore, always remember we face depression to evolve and not to get stuck in the subtle changes our mind undergoes. Depression is an opportunity and not anything wrong. Just know how to handle it the right way. --VS

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I loved your book The seed of Bhagwad Gita.
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