
KRISHNA Tarangam

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Tune In and Evolve

Learn the science of listening and evolving the Krishna way! 
By Vivek Sharma

Can you change your situation? What is the easiest way out? Or is it that you also believe in fate? As long as you are within the range of your karma, neuronic network jutting out of the brainstem, the seat of memory and ego, you are bound to face projected situations. 
As the horoscopists say “karmic laws are at work, you can’t escape them.” But, they also suggest you a solution the moment you are willing to share some money with them! No jokes! Whatever a horoscopist or an astrologer suggests can no doubt be effective if it can dissolve the neurone related to that situation in your brain and expand the periphery of your memory. 
 I have already detailed this in my book, Beejankuri: The Seed of Bhagwad Gita, as to how neurones are jutting out of the memory and ego complex in the brainstem and how they disallow a person to bypass the set cause-and-effect mechanism or conditioning. The experiential energy builds up your memory. Therefore, in a particular condition, your perception shall be guided by your memory through the cause and effect thread of karma. But, the moment you expand your memory, through the expansion of your experience in such a way that the karmic thread is dissolved by the bigger experience. It is as if you have demolished the walls of memory and entered into the realm of the open sky. In such a situation, the entire sky becomes your home and the rooms you had built up through a series of life cycles, would no longer hold you in. That is the way. That is called freedom. Now the rules of the open sky shall apply to you. I have given you a crude example to understand the dynamics of what Krishna says in the Bhagwad Gita. A small pond replaced by the infinite sea. The laws of the sea apply now. Understand it!
Evolutionary Discourse
The entire discourse of the Bhagwad Gita is a gradual expansion of Arjuna’s memory from succumbing to the karmic effect or situational pressure and deciding “will not fight” to dissolution of the karmic cause and effect through expansion of his memory and experience. What Krishna is exposing Arjuna to is the infinite consciousness in which his little ego and memory format is dissolving and with that is dissolving the threads of cause and effects, which are responsible for projection and restricting him within. 
In Discourse 18, Arjuna is a transformed person. He says “ I will do as you say, O Krishna” . Here Arjuna is literally free from the karmic threads through expansion of his memory along the line of infinite consciousness. Limitation can only be nullified by inifiniti-sation. This is the principle at work. 
Not only this, Krishna says in shloka 71 of the same discourse that even if you listen to this discourse (which is what I have already mentioned above) then also a person is freed from his karmic confines. Because, the expansion in his memory changes conditioned karmic situation to those of His, Arjuna’s and the likes. His memory then projects auspicious situations which are in harmony with the cosmic rhythm—that evolves an amoeba to a Buddha. 
Krishna says, 
श्रद्धावाननसूयश्च श्रृणुयादपि यो नरः।
सो अपि मुक्तः शुभाँल्लोकान्प्राप्नुयात्पुण्यकार्मणाम् ।। ७१/१८
It means —the man, who is inwardly receptive, without anti-thought to the evolutionary discourse, also gets free from his situational bondage and enjoys the situations of those who have already evolved. 
Brain Discipline
Every brain has one part called Amygdala. It is directly linked to memories and processing emotions. Output pathways from the amygdala make extensive connections with the brain stem for emotional responses.  The ear is directly connected to the brain stem too through a nerve or an energy channel. By using two terms,  श्रद्धावान and अनसूयश्च, He is only saying that you can be श्रद्धावान (with evolutionary direction) only when you bypass the frontal lobe  and amygdala. The frontal lobe is responsible for logical thinking, hypercritical thinking and anti-thinking. Amygdala is responsible for generating frontal lobe guided impulses and processing corresponding memories gathered in the brainstem. It gives out the signal of fight or flight. You can only bypass the two when you use your ears, which convey the message directly to the brainstem and thereby bring about experiential changes in its storehouse. This simply means that whether you understand it or not, the entire evolutionary discourse directly expands your experiential memory in the brainstem when you listen to it without interference from your frontal love and amygdala. 
The Sound Logic
Once this direct experience changes your memory accordingly, the karmic arrangement too is changed to the experiences you have received through ears in the form of sound waves. We already know that a memory is nothing but a storehouse of images and sounds gathered as experiences or experiential energy.  An image is nothing but a form,  an outer covering of the sound. Sounds can take forms and images  and they can resolve back into sounds. We can say that the basic structure of the memory is sound waves of different frequencies. This explains that only a right sound can reform it, fix it or repair it. It all depends upon what level of memory set you have and how it can expand. This is the reason why meditation  and recitation of a discourse helps one expand one’s experiential memory to consciousness. Sanskrit is the best language suited for this, as it has come out of sounds itself—remember the Maheshwar Sutra. To put it simply, the entire universe is expanding by the force of the basic vibration, we can call it sound. That is called शब्दः in Sanskrit. Krishna says, प्रभास्मि शशिसूर्ययोशब्दः खे, I am light in the sun and the moon and the sound in the space. The space is nothing but expansion of the universe and its measure is called time and its cause the sound or vibration. Simple. Even the light you see is nothing but a wave with a sound—( our understanding about sound waves is very limited as of now and hence we get confused) . But, when Krishna says I am light in the sun and the moon and the sound in the the space, He literally highlights the relationship between the two apparently different looking physical principles. We still believe that the sound needs a medium, like matter, air, water etc to travel. However, Krishna says the sound needs only space as the medium to travel. Of course, the sounds that you hear are through immediate mediums. But, the sound that you may not hear without a special gadget is called the sound in the space. This is the basic sound which relates to the light wave too. 
Here in the present context, Krishna is definitely talking about scientific principles of learning and evolving. If we can use sounds in such a way that our memory evolves into infinite consciousness, we get free from limitations of  a situation and enjoy the infinite possibility of expansion.
So, you can change your situation if you can evolve your memory, expand it the right way, as taught by Krishna in the Bhagwad Gita.
So learn to use your ears as they directly connect to the memory and followup activities.
Have you ever wondered why the rishis of the yore, emphasised more on sound meditation than images? Have you ever wondered why a sound can animate an image in you? Have you ever wondered how a poet uses sounds to evoke a particular imagery in your brain? Think!


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I loved your book The seed of Bhagwad Gita.
It is an eye opener. My daughter is in the US and I want to send this book to her. Do you have a digital version of this book.
It will be easier for me to send it to her.

I want your guidance please provide me your contact No

Reality of life revealed.Thankyou

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