
KRISHNA Tarangam

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Natural Inclinations than the Acquired Ones!

Swabhavik actions lead to all-round success, not the acquired ones!

By Vivek Sharma

Over 99% of man’s miseries are born of his wish to be what he cannot be. Why I use the phrase ‘cannot be’ has a logic. Everybody is born with innate qualities to perceive, understand and do things. They are the effect of a series of verified experiences in their past lives. That is called swabhav by Krishna. Swabhav is the sum total of your natural inclinations. But, man is not limited to these alone. He has trishna, greed and hunger too which make him acquire inclinations through social interactions. They are mainly born of comparisons. This makes you acquire superficial inclinations with an underlying realisation that you must have those qualities for they shall stand you out as they did a particular person. So far nothing wrong. But, when these acquired inclinations are just a political gimmick to acquire status of a person you feel is superior to you with these qualities, you go wrong and attract miseries, fears, anxieties and the related.

Krishna’s Tips
He says Shreyan swadharmo vigunah pardharmat swanushthitat, Swadharm is your natural way made of swabhav. He says it is better even if it appears without any appealing character when compared to other’ dharma. Here swadharm and dharm refer to swabhav, parbhav respectively—your natural inclinations and other’s natural inclinations. What you have acquired through a series of past lives and experiences and what others have acquired through their past lives and experiences are two different roadmaps. Like your natural inclination takes you to Jaipur from Delhi and other’s from Delhi to Mumbai. Their destinations make different routes. And when a Jaipur-bound person switches to Mumbai road, he would never reach his destination and would only waste time on the way to Mumbai. He shall be facing fears, anxieties and confusion all through as his inclinations shall suggest him all the way that he is only moving away from his natural goal. That is why Krishna says swadharme nidhnam shreyah—death is better if your inclinations take you their. Because even this shall take you further on your chosen path. That is why when an engineer steps into a doctor’s shoes, he is bound to get disillusioned as his natural makeup is that of an engineer. So follow your own inner call, without confusing it with trishna’s call—the call of hunger for power. How to distinguish natural call from that of trishna’s ? This exercise is called Vivek—separating the real from the unreal in the perspective of your swabhav. But, if you say how to know your swabhav then it is as good as saying how to eat! Trishna clouds our vision and we act like others we envy—talk like him, behave like him and even try to think like him.

Success Sutra

Krishna shows a clear way ahead from what you are naturally inclined. He says sway sway karmaniabhiratah labhte sansiddhim narah, swabhav niratam karm kurvannapnoti kilbisham. That man who does all his actions natural to him like worship gains all round success. What actions should he be engaged in? Krishna says swabhav niratam, as directed by his swabhav. If a man does actions directed by his swabhav, he doesn’t acquire any negative effects through that (kurvannapnoti kilbisham). Now we need to understand the word abhiratah here. Abhi + ratah. Abhi means doing natural actions with an attitude of worship—which gives you natural satisfaction (not ego satisfaction—this fake satisfaction soon converts into anger and arrogance of having done something which you know you are not qualified for. This gives you a fake sense of satisfaction, like a physically weak person joins a gym and touches and moves the weights higher than his capacity). Natural satisfaction is when you eat the food you like and do things natural to you. In spiritual life too, you should follow the path which is natural to you. If your natural inclination is bhakti, you will excel through this. If your natural inclination is yoga, then you shall excel through it. So Krishna says by sincerely following the path natural to you, you attain full success then what is the need of aping what other’s do? Fear, anger and lust shall overpower you the moment you switch to other’s ways! These three are the doorway to hell, says Krishna in discourse 16. So it is better to follow your natural inclinations than the acquired ones!

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Truth Tips

Swami Muktinathananda

भक्ति संगीत हमें ईश्वर की ओर ले जाते हैं 

स्वामी मुक्तिनाथानन्द जी


"भक्ति संगीत हमारे आध्यात्मिक साधन का अंग होना चाहिए- स्वामी जी"
सोमवार के प्रातः कालीन सत् प्रसंग में रामकृष्ण मठ लखनऊ के अध्यक्ष स्वामी मुक्तिनाथानन्द जी ने बताया कि जहाँ पर ईश्वर का भजन कीर्तन होता है वहाँ पर व जरूरी उपस्थित रहते हैं। एक बार नारद जी ने भगवान को पूछा था, आप तो सर्वव्यापी है लेकिन कहाँ पर पहुँचने से आप जरूर मिल जाएंगे। तब भगवान ने उत्तर दिया- 
"नाहं वसामी वैकुंठे योगिनां हृदये न च। 
मद्भक्ता यत्र गायन्ति तत्र तिष्ठामि नारद।।"
 अर्थात हे नारद! मैं बैकुंठ में भी नहीं रहता हूँ और न ही योगीगण के हृदय में। लेकिन जहाँ पर मेरे भक्तगण भजन कीर्तन करते रहते हैं, वहाँ पर मैं जरूर विराजमान होता हूँ। इसलिए श्री रामकृष्ण ने भक्ति संगीत पर इतनी प्रधानता दी है। वे खुद भजन कीर्तन करते रहते थे एवं भक्तगणों को उसमें योगदान करने के लिए सर्वदा प्रोत्साहित करते थे। एक दिन उन्होंने एक ब्राह्म भक्त श्री त्रैलोक्यनाथ सांन्याल को कहा था- "जरा आनंदमयी का गाना गाओ तो।" त्रैलोक्य सुगायक थे एवं उनके भक्तिपूर्ण संगीत सुनते हुए श्री रामकृष्ण भावस्थ हो जाते थे। त्रैलोक्य गाया-"माता, मनुष्य संतानों पर तुम्हारी कितनी प्रीति है, जब इसकी याद आती है, तब आँखों से प्रेम की धारा बह चलती है। एवं जन्म से ही तुम्हारे श्री चरणों में अपराधी हूँ, फिर भी तुम मेरे मुख की ओर प्रेमपूर्ण नेत्रों से देखकर मधुर स्वर से पुकार रही हो। जब यह बात याद आती है, तब दोनों नेत्रों से प्रेम की धारा बह चलती है। तुम्हारे प्रेम का भार अब मुझ से ढोया नहीं जाता। जी  विकल होकर रो उठता है, तुम्हारे स्नेह को देखकर  हृदय विदीर्ण हो जाता है। माँ तुम्हारे श्रीचरणों में शरणागत हूँ।" 
 स्वामी जी ने कहा कि  उस समय श्री रामकृष्ण के साथ कई भक्त बैठे थे। इसके भीतर एक छोटा लड़का भक्त भी बैठा था, उनका नाम था 'छोटा नरेन'। गान सुनते ही छोटे नरेन गंभीर ध्यान में मग्न हो रहे हैं,- शरीर काष्टवत् जान पड़ता है। श्री रामकृष्ण मास्टर से कह रहे हैं, "देखो-देखो कितना गंभीर ध्यान है। बाहरी संसार का ज्ञान बिल्कुल नहीं है।" 
   अर्थात यह संगीत श्रवण मात्र से ही इनके मन भगवान में तल्लीन हो गया था। नवधा भक्ति में प्रथम भक्ति है, श्रवण भक्ति। ये  श्रवण भक्ति का मतलब है जब हम भगवान का नाम कर्ण से सुनते है तब वो हमारे मन को परिवर्तित कर देते हैं, इसलिए भक्ति संगीत हमारे आध्यात्मिक साधन का अंग होना चाहिए। 
       स्वामी मुक्तिनाथानन्द जी ने कहा कि श्री रामकृष्ण की जीवनी तथा उपदेश को सामने रखते हुए हम लोगों को भी जीवन में भक्ति संगीत में अंश ग्रहण करना चाहिए। ताकि सहज रूप से हम ईश्वर से जुड़ सकें। भक्ति संगीत के माध्यम से हम भगवान के करीब पहुंच सकते हैं एवं आखिर में इस जीवन में ही भगवान को प्रत्यक्ष करते हुए जीवन सफल कर सकते है। 
स्वामी मुक्तिनाथानंद
राम कृष्ण मठ लखनऊ

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Barbs of Wisdom

Writer and Critic

Dr Rita Gaur


अमलतास का पत्र मानव के नाम

 स्मृति वन

   जयपुर।(14 अगस्त 2020)

 हे मानव,

           सस्नेह वंदन।
                         मैं जानता हूँ कि ये पाती पाकर चौंक उठोगे तुम। तुम्हें आदत नहीं है न पत्र पढ़ने की, तुम्हारे संदेश तो अब मेल,ट्विटर,व्हाट्सएप और मैसेंजर पर आया-जाया करते हैं। यह जानते हुए भी मैं तुम्हें पत्र लिख रहा हूँ ताकि  तुम्हें जीवन और परिवेश के प्रति आत्मीयता के मायने समझा सकूँ, तुम्हारी संवेदनाओं को दिशा दे सकूँ और तुम तक पहुँचा सकूँ जंगल का दर्द, तुम्हें दिखा सकूँ तुम्हारी क्रूरता से क्षत- विक्षत, आहत मेरे वन-उपवन,मेरे पुष्प, मेरी लतिकाएँ।
अरे! इतनी अपरिचित दृष्टि से न देखो इस पत्र को। अजनबीपन का ये भाव हटादो अपनी आँखों से। मैं वही अमलतास हूँ, सड़क के किनारे स्मृति-वन के सामने उगा झूमर से झूलते पीले फूलों वाला अमलतास। अब भी नहीं पहचाना? कैसे पहचानोगे? तुम रोज़ अपनी कार का काला धुआँ छोड़कर जाते हो मुझपर लेकिन एक बार भी इन गुज़रे सालों में तुमने मुझपर आत्मीय दृष्टि नहीं डाली। जानते हो? जब गाड़ियों का रेला गुज़रता है न सड़क से, दम घुटता है मेरी पत्तियों का,मूर्छा- सी छाने लगती है उनपर।आखिर कितना अवशोषित करेंगी वे तुम्हारा ज़हर,जो दिनोंदिन बढ़ता ही जाता है। पत्तियों की मूर्च्छा का अर्थ जानते हो? इसका अर्थ है वृक्ष का धीरे-धीरे मृत्यु के निकट जाना। वृक्ष की मृत्यु का अर्थ तो समझते हो न तुम?
 नहीं, नहीं समझते  वर्ना हालात  इतने बदतर न होते। देखो, हम वृक्ष, हमारा समुदाय आधार हैं इस पारिस्थितिक(ecology) तंत्र के। हम में से हर एक पेड़ 24 घंटे में 55 -60 लीटर ऑक्सीजन उत्सर्जित करता है और हर एक मनुष्य को 24 घंटे में साँस लेने के लिए लगभग 550 लीटर ऑक्सीजन चाहिए यानी लगभग 10 पेड़,फिर भी तुम हमें खत्म करने पर तुले हो। हमारी पत्तियाँ कार्बनडाई ऑक्साइड और अन्य जहरीली गैसें सोखकर वातावरण में जीवनदायिनी ऑक्सीजन घोलती हैं, हम तुम्हारी प्रदूषण, मिट्टी के कटाव,बाढ़ और सूखा जैसी सभी समस्याओं के समाधान हैं।
हम तुम्हें शुद्ध हवा देते हैं साँस लेने के लिए ; पौष्टिक भोजन औरऔषधियाँ देते हैं स्वस्थ रहने के लिए ; अगर,चंदन,पुष्प,समिधा सब हमीं देते हैं पूजा के लिए। और तो और प्रेम के प्रतीक गुलाब जिन्हें तुम  बड़े प्यार से अपनी प्रेमिका को देते हो;बड़े फ़क्र से रोज़ डे और वेलेंटाइन डे मनाते हो,सब हमारे ही बलबूते पर न । सूखकर गिरी हमारी पत्तियाँ, हमारी टहनियाँ उस जमीन  को पोषित करती हैं,जिस पर तुम्हारी फ़सलें लहराती हैं और  जिन्हें देखकर तुम फूले नहीं समाते ।
सोचो, हमारी इस निःस्वार्थ सेवा के बदले, हमारी इस नेह की सौगात के बदले तुम हमें क्या देते हो? काला धुआँ? अवैध कटाई? न जाने कितने पशु-पक्षियों , जीव-जन्तुओं को बेआसरा करते हो। और हाँ, अभी तुमने पानीपत-हरिद्वार रोड पर गेहूँ के अवशेष जलाकर तो एक नई समस्या खड़ी करदी-हमारे लिए और खुद अपने लिए भी। जानते हो? ज़मीन में 1/2 फ़ीट तक उसे उर्वर बनाने वाले सूक्ष्म जीवाणु ही ख़त्म हो गए। आवासीय ज़रूरतों,उद्योगों,खनिज-दोहन के नाम पर तुम वर्षों से हमारी बलि चढ़ाते आ रहे हो।
इन दिनों कोरोना-काल में बिना कामकाज के घर पर बैठकर जैसी घुटन और निराशा अनुभव कर रहे हो न तुम, वैसी ही, ठीक वैसी ही घुटन होती है हमें, जब तुम  हमें साँस लेने के लिए काला धुँआ देते हो।और हाँ, सुनो, वो चौराहे के पार जो 5-6 पेड़ काटे न तुमने सड़क चौड़ी करने के नाम पर, उनपर आशियाँ था कितने ही पंछियों का। तुमने तो मुड़कर भी नहीं देखा लेकिन मैं देख रहा था- वृक्षों की खुदी जड़ों में अपने शिशु तलाश करती चिड़ियाँ, उनकी कटी शाखों से अपने ध्वस्त घोंसलों के तिनके बटोरती चिड़ियाँ।
अब बस भी करो।जागो। संवेदनशील बनो पर्यावरण के प्रति वर्ना सृष्टि का अंत निकट जानो। याद रखो-
हम तुम्हारी श्वास हैं,
हम तुम्हारा खाद्य हैं,
हम उन्मुक्त सौंदर्य हैं,
हम तुम्हारा जीवन-उल्लास हैं।
हम हैं तो तुम हो,
फिर तुम हो तो हम क्यों नहीं?
बोलो हम क्यों नहीं?
आशा है ये पत्र तुम्हारी सोई  आत्मा में हलचल मचा देगा, तुम्हें पर्यावरण के प्रति सजग कर देगा
 इति शुभम्।
तुम्हारा अपना ही,

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Dragon nailed! Just wait for its fall on Indian peaks
By Vivek Sharma

How to defeat China in its vicious war against economic giants and its over ambitious mission to monopolise the globe and all its resources? 
This is the question on every diplomat, patriot and thinking person’s mind. Isn’t it? 
This ‘how’ seems very difficult when we roll it over a frozen mindset. But, the moment we decide to think out of the box, the answer is simple and do-able.
What is that? Block China’s interest. How? Focus on the Pok. Implement the strategy to re-occupy PoK, while talking border issues out with China as we are doing right now. China will have no option but to recede from  its false positioning. Now, give it an economic blow, which India has already begun doing, without really declaring it. Exploit the post-covid-19 US-Japan-UK -Bharat front against China to isolate it globally, partially by strengthening the pro-democratic forces within its land—specially Taiwan, Hong Kong and the adjoining areas.
The Communists-led Chinese government cannot afford economic crisis, triggered by PoK—now China would have to talk to India for its trade road through it. Pakistan will be hit politically and economically further too, with Sindhis and Baloochis forcing their way on the Punjabi Pakistan, that is what shall be left of it by then. China will have no option but to find Pakistan too hot to handle. It will let it go. 
A few workable steps.

1.Dominate China diplomatically on Laddakh issue relentlessly.

2.Re-consolidate military presence there with ground and air forces ready-to-strike.

3.Make covid-hit nations put pressure against China. Japan will be a force to reckon with here.

4.Formally mobilise PoK plan, through diplomatic and UN channels. 

China is gone.
China’s Plan
Covid-19 has been China’s shrewd plan to carry further its interests. And it has succeeded to some extent in its game plan by bringing economic powers on the ground. But, it has failed to bring them down on their knees and that has what has left China desperate with most of its target nations training their guns on it. China had been in a rush to implement its Plan B—sell balm to the painful, sell treatment to the ailing it created. But, with majority of nations choosing to stand against it, China is left with no option but to fire off its Plan C—that is unleash “insurgent forces” cultivated by it in various countries to destabilise target nations and create a situation where the nation in question is forced to  engage with its own people, triggering a crisis of sorts, which will benefit China, so to say. Well, it has tried it against India by playing anti-Modi forces in and around Bharat during the covid-19 spread. Jamatees, silly Congress attacks and desperate Left’s nitpicking cannot be denied as China’s destablising bid to stop India in its tracks to becoming an economic giant. 
Muscle Flexing
The show of strength at Laddakh borders and Pakistan’s bid to make airbase and dig up tunnels in Pak-Occupied-Kashmir (PoK) can’t be seen in isolation. Popular Front of India, which is a destabliser, pampered by pro-Chinese forces, including radical Islamists, is nothing but a pawn in the game plan of China. It did its job during the Shaheen Bagh protests. But, smart handling by the Central govt and prompt arrests of the brains involved in it  neutralised the poison China and Pakistan had planned to destablise the Modi government with the covert help of the Congress. Even post-lockdown relief, the left-led forces are trying to re-start the protests. However, the police sniffed the plot out and foiled this attempt. 
Present Scenario
Now China is going to face stronger and stronger opposition through out the world. Unlike what people think, China is facing a lot of protest on its own land with pro-democratic forces gaining ground there. There , which is already facing the divide created by the growing pro-democratic forces on its homeland. But, I believe the counter has begun, which marks the end of China, which is also handling pro-democratic forces in its homeland. A weak economy means the defeat of the Maoists. 
Let’s wake up to the fact that its left arm  is nasty and full of evil designs. It has created a network of left forces which has three purposes as mission: (1) Enter the political process of democracies (2) Buy off bureaucrats (3) Enter industries, copy out technologies (4) Keep insurgents ready to disrupt peace by exploiting the local contentions. 
You don’t have to travel far to sift examples of it. You just have to see what Left forces, naxals and maoists are doing in India and who actually helped spread violence in the USA after a stubborn police officer kneed a civilian to death. This was a crazy incident, no doubt, and the perpetrators deserved severest punishment. They still do. But, who did white versus black and unleashed anti-social forces through out America?
It was Anti-Fascist Political Activist
movement that comprises autonomous activist groups that aim to achieve their political objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform.
Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-capitalist and anti-government views, and subscribe to a range of Left-wing ideologies. A majority of adherents are socialists, anarchists and communists, who describe themselves as revolutionaries. It is useless to think China out of it all. China has been part and parcel in antifa’s activities by pumping in money and sliding in violent plans.  President Trump’s statement that China stole America’s intellectual property should not be seen in isolation either. It directly links to the copycat industry of China which hit American and other developed nations by cheap-selling copies. This means China has been planning for long to damage the developed nations to make a place for itself and realise its mission to monopolise global resources.
The Dragon is as good as nailed by the Indian peaks. It is just scratching the stony mountains out of frustration.

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Happy New Year!

शब्द संचारं


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Workshop At Avadh Girls' College

Right to Left Dr Upma Chaturvedi in conversation with Vivek Sharma at Avadh Girls' College.                                                                                                               Photo by Geetanjali Singh…

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Beejankuri, A book for youngsters




A good read is always loved by readers across the globe and Beejankuri: The Seed of Bhagwad Gita is not only an enriching read but also an all-inclusive experience. One can't simply ask for more than what this  book has to offer.  You can't put it down once you begin to rea…

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Know why Ravan couldn’t touch Sita, the ideal of womanhood


What should women do to demolish the mindset that she is a physical opportunity for men? This is a relevant question which Bhavini Dubey  interviewed youngsters on for this week’s Youthexpress. Almost all the youngsters tried to resolve the issue their way. But, we need to understand the b…

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In Conversation With Vivek Sharma


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Happy Women's Week

Let's Celebrate Womanhood

Did you get Krishna’s message to womanhood?
Vivek Sharma

What is Krishna’s secret message to women? It is clear and open. But, ancient scholars couldn't see and publicise it and the commoners forced themselves to see cheap raas in Maharaas—which has been explained by many er…

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By Advaita

 Cat Me-owing and Maa coming

Meow! Meow! The sound was unmistakable. But, where was it coming from? I was clueless. There was no cat nearby. At least, I couldn’t see one.

Yet, the meowing continued. Clearly, it was a distress call. I craned my neck from my comfortable seat below a sac…

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By Advaita

An act of kindness

It was my daughter’s birthday. The summer was at its peak. One did not dare venture outdoors during the day, for love or for money. The evening was much more bearable, good enough to permit low-key celebrations. And there was the customary visit to a temple to mark the occasion…

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Lime chilli at doors, coconut on roads... Are totakas science Or superstition?

Question by:Umesh Gaur, DEE (C), Gandhinagar, Gujarat. 

 It is a very important question. There is a very thin line between science and superstition. It is as is the difference between the absolute and t…

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Why is there so much of disparity?
Question by: Sakshi Agarwal, Teacher

Sakshi, in one line it is due to the difference in our experiences. Potentially, we all are from the same source. But, all this differs due to the difference in our experiential assets.

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He is universal metabolic principle 


Maharishi Kashyap is perhaps the most popular of the Saptarishis as varying derivatives of his name are found across the globe. 

Right from Perisian’s kasaf to Kashaf Rud in Turkmenistan and Polish kacap to Kashmir, every variation more or…

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He is the principle of real martial arts!

Jamadagni is the father of famous Rishi warrior Parashuram—his youngest and obedient son, who never said no to his father’s command even if it meant killing his own mother. Exactly, this is what Parashuram did when commanded by his father while ot…

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Rise in energy = rise in intelligence

He is the youngest of the Saptarishis. He is like the fire which dispels darkness,  ignites intelligence and saves one from Intelligent Energy’s three umblical knots—knowledge (Sat), passion (Raj) and inertia (Tam).
How is knowle…

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Neutralise enemies within to keep the idea of India alive! 

The book is a real guide for the youngsters who want to have an unbiased idea about major challengers to the country within and their cross-border links to Pakistan and China.
Scary Portents: India Under Siege is available on Amazon…

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Must read

Take spiritual flight to Venus and Mars

Hercólubus or Red Planet, the book written by VM Rabolu and published by Alcione Association, is a treat for spiritual wonder seekers.  Good thing is you can get it for free by emailing to
Rabolu has written the book lying on a be…

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SANSKAR Read: Just keep yourself tuned to the old Indian thought by reading these books.



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By Vivek Sharma

Are you a young inquisitive mind? The mind which wants to gain from the old Indian wisdom, but can’t as the Sanskrit terminology and skewed old interpretations make it real difficult for the modern mind to get their contemporary relevance. Be happy! You are at the right site

What is Krishna tarangam?

What is Krishna tarangam

The Gita is a vibration (tarangam) of the Creator (Krishna). Why have I named the Creator Krishna? Because, Krishna is not a person but a principle.




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This site is excellent for youths, specially those who want to know the reality behind Indian thought.
It is a treat for students like me who want to know the reason behind the written words.
I tried to order the book through the payment method but it didn't work out. Kindly tell me which way can I get it. It is showing unavailable on Amazon. Thanks

Great site. This is true Hinduism. All science, no myths, all science. Congratulate KRishna Tarangam team for undertaking the noble cause.
Sumitra Maheshwari

भाग्य चक्रम् बहुत ही सटीक है। कैसे होता है इतना accurate. हर बार मन की परिस्मथिती व बाहर की परिस्थिति सही निकलती है। आपका उपाय बहुत उपयोगी है।
रतन लाल अग्रवाल

Unbelievable site. God bless the owners. It I not an ordinary work.
Swami Vimuktananda

It is really a matter of great praise that this site is so seriously carrying forward a thought revolution.
I never miss it. I feel empowered
Anil Chaturvedi

You are doing. Great work .

I really pity those who don’t follow the site . It is as it’s name suggests —-Tarangam.
Ramanuj Shastri

Rakesh Ji, we appreciate your suggestion and that you are our precious reader . We assure you that the features will resume shortly .
Vivek Sharma
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